Monday, August 3, 2009

Night Prowling Cats on a Fence

Hello all!
Hope everyone is having a great week. Today I'd like to feature a quilt I made for my boss and very good friend, Angela, and her daughter Avery. The photos were taken outside so they sort of "wash out" the real colors a bit, the blue background is actually very evocative of the night sky when seen in lower light. These are supposed to be cats out on the prowl by moonlight all lined up on fences (you can't see the fences of course because it's dark!).

Angela asked me to make this couch snuggle quilt for her and her daughter, using fabrics from some of Avery's favorite dresses she no longer wore. All of the cats were made using these dress fabrics, except for the red and purple floral, we bought that new. I love how it turned out. The yellow moon fabric I used as binding gives it a glow of moonlight around the edges. All of the cats have black button eyes, except for two which have blue eyes. These represent Angela and her daughter, but it's a secret! Shhh! I also quilted their names into the border and quilted in the ditch around the cats.



  1. i love that you made the cats out of her dresses. Clothing is a wonderful memory! I have a quilt made of scraps from my teen sewing years, and there is a yellow and blue floral that I used to make a bathing suit. I tried it out in the shower, and the bottom fell off, so that's one funny memory every time I look at the quilt! Keep up the good wor

  2. Very cute, and it looks to be well-loved too!
    Is it still really hot there?!?

  3. I still look at quilts that were made years and years and years ago and smile when I see familiar materials. It brings back so many memories and makes me smile. You've given this gift to Avery. The little cats are cute too! Nice work...very nice. It makes me feel happy just seeing the pictures!


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