Monday, March 30, 2009

It's My Birthday!

Happy Birthday to me! I'm 38 today. Do I look it? (say no!)

I'm having a very nice day. My coworkers took me to a Greek place for lunch. My co-worker and friend Sarah got me some fabric - a few almost solids and a piece of Anna Maria Horner's Drawing Room. Love it!

My other coworker/friend Erin made me this cake - tart lemon with blackberry reduction filling and cream cheese icing! Yum! Tonight my daughter is going to make steak and chicken shishkebabs with veggies for our party. I'm having a nice birthday, hope your days is good too!



  1. Happy Birthday!! It sounds like a wonderful so far, and your being pampered with yummy food, and fabrics!! :)

    Ps. You definitely don't look 38. :)

  2. Hi Wendy! A very happy birthday to you (and no, you don't look your age!) Sounds like your day has been great - that cake looks, and sounds, delicious! Enjoy the rest of your day!

  3. Happy Birthday! I just turned 38 too!

  4. happy happy birthday!!!! you so don't look 38...more like 28!

  5. Well, a very happy b-day to ya!! Hope your day is great. And, no, you don't look 38!!

  6. HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU!!...oh yum CAKE!

  7. From one Wendy to another - Happy Birthday! Love your Sunday Stash posts, I see we have a lot of the same stuff!

  8. Let's see....what was i doing 38 years ago? Mmm...yeah! I was in the hospital having you! I love you!

    The person who made your birthday possible,


  9. A little late but: Happy Birthday! The cake looks delicious, and I can't believe you turned 38 lady, you look sooo much younger

  10. Ooh Happy belated birthday!
    You don't look 38 at all! In fact just before I saw this entry I was reading your sewing room entry and getting confused as to how you could have older kids when you look so young!


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