Saturday, April 11, 2009

My First Two Improv Blocks!

Jacquie over at tallgrassstudio developed Project Improv, a challenge to create log-cabin style blocks in a free form way with no measuring. It freaked me out a little to try it, but I did, and now i'm so glad! Everyone who participates donates at least one block to the charity quilts Jacquie is making and I chose the orange and pink colorway from her options to be "spring-y".

These are my first two tries at improv and I love it! I hand piece, as you know, so it was very relaxing to sort out all my orange and pink scraps and then just choose as I go, adding logs. I'd never done log cabin before either, it always seemed like a machine sewer kind of a block, with all those straight lines and such. You should try it too! We can never make enough charity blocks, ya know!

In the last photo you can see the blocks on the design wall in my new sewing room. Hey, those blocks really match my wall paint, don't they? Maybe I should leave them up permanently, or oooh -I could paint log cabins on the wall! That would be fun.

Happy almost Easter everyone! Check back tomorrow for Sunday Stash!


  1. Yah for orange and pink! THey do look great on your wall!

  2. New sewing room?!? You really are a lucky girl. They look great.

  3. these blocks are yummy
    and they look FABulous on your wall. i am so loving that wall color!

  4. Hey you....let's 'hurry' up and get that whole 'design' wall full with all sorts of blocks!!
    Your first 'improv' blocks are WAY too good!!

  5. i love your improv blocks!!


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