Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Does Anyone Like Heather Ross???

Of course you do! Silly question! Here's a look at the fabrics my wonderful boss/friend Angela bought for her soon-to-be-born baby boy. She didn't even think about fabric until she met me and now she's a Heather Ross collecting fool like the rest of us!

I can't wait to start making her some strippy and wonky squares out of these! These are just the selvages so I can mix and match colors easily, but I recently started keeping selvages too for a someday project.

So....what do you think? Cute???

Sorry for the poor quality of the photo, the lighting was bad. Double click for a better view!


  1. You know what a big fan I am! Thats going to be a fabulous quilt, are you going to make the quilt for her?!
    Looking forward to seeing what happens with it!

  2. That is going to be one classy baby quilt!

  3. THAT is going to be one beautiful quilt. I'm so jealous. I love her choices in fabric!

  4. Nice material...it certainly is perfect for one who loves baby quilts! I have trouble with lighting...I always seem to want to take the picture in the morning when I don't have any sun in the house!

  5. She may not want to give her little one the quilt! It is going to be too cute!

  6. I love Heather Ross! Love it love it! Those are great blocks, my favorite is the fishy one in the top picture, top right corner.

    Come check out my blog! Thank you so much for MAX! I have a great picture of Luke with him. He is already getting tons of love!! Thanks again!!

  7. Okay, I'll admit it, I'm not the biggest Heather Ross fabric fan. I can appreciate the cuteness of it, but most of it isn't my cup of tea. I do like the old unicorns and someone sent me a floral that I like. I will enjoy all the quilts I'm seeing out there from afar.


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