Wednesday, June 17, 2009

WhimsicalRoad Made Me a Weiner!

I must have entered a hundred giveaways on SewMamaSew giveaway day and did manage to win one pretty thing! Yay! I really wanted to win this dress for Miss Gigi so I was very happy. The birdie print is oh-so-cute! Click to enlarge if you want to see it.

Miss G was not cooperating this morning when I was playing photographer, so no full on shots that don't feature fussing. She is already into the terrible twos at only 18 months. She'll take any excuse to throw a huge, hysterical fit, complete with throwing herself on the ground. Today, in fact, is the exact day that she turns 18 months old so we're happy to have a 'sort of' birthday present! You can see in the back photo that she still has her baby hair and that her hair glows red in the sun, just like mine!

Thanks so much Whimsical Road. Check out her blog to see the beautiful Amy Butler dress she's featuring today, and her etsy shop to buy one for yourself!


  1. oh, how cute!! and it fits her perfectly!!
    I entered hundreds of giveaways for Sew Mama Sew too. I did win one prize. It was fun!

    Have a great day!

  2. Really cute dress, but the model is a doll.

    Thanks for posting.


  3. :) She looks adorable! I'm glad it fits and that you like it. Love her shoes!

    p.s. I'm having another giveaway starting this friday, Jun 19th.. come on down and enter!

  4. Well lucky you!!! This little dress is w-a-y too cute!
    I am sooo loving your quilt in your previous post. I love all the fabrics you chose!!

  5. I clicked to enlarge one of the photos and my eyes went immediately to your daughter's shiny hair!!! I think she's going to be a model....She did great for this "fotoshoot"!!!

  6. That's about when our Monster started her fits. When they got her nowhere she stopped soon. She's still a drama queen at three, but it never last long. But she doesn't have nearly that much hair, I'm jealous!


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