Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Which One Is Your Favorite?

Hello All,
I'm making a new quilt! No, I haven't finished the one for my son I showed with the light and dark blue squares, but I've started a new one anyway. I usually only work on one at a time and finish before I move on, but i'm breaking the rules! Winter is coming and I want a quilt for MY bed for once! I've never kept a quilt before, it will be a new thing.

So ok, here's the concept. It will be king sized, and will have 40 blocks on my side in red and pink, and 40 blocks on his side in green and blue, then down the middle will be 10 blocks with red/pink mixed with green/blue (that's us snuggling!) and the whole thing sashed in white.

I just let the fabrics decide how they wanted the blocks to be measured. I just told the fabrics that the blocks all had to come out to 10 1/2" square, but otherwise they could be however they wanted to be. The larger motif prints got center squares to fit their scale, and the same for the larger motif framing prints. Everyone got to be themselves and show off to their best advantage. And if someone didn't have enough fabric but still wanted to be in the quilt (i'm talking to YOU red and white daisies!) other fabrics jumped in to help.

I'll do three posts with the new blocks. Here is the first post! Feel free to click the photos to enlarge. Which block is your favorite of today's set?


  1. First picture lower right hand corner. I love that one.

  2. The wood grain + birdie. :-)

    Love the his-and-hers quilt idea - can't wait to see how it turns out!

  3. The blocks in photo #2 are my favorites, with the wood grain and bird being my absolute favorite.

    Very clever idea! I can't wait to see how it turns out.

  4. Love the Heather Baily with Amy Butler moon dots, I think this is going to be an awesome quilt!

  5. wow, this is quite a project!!! you'll have to keep us updated on your progress.

    i like the bird on the branch and i also like the butterfly.

  6. What a fantastic bed quilt idea!
    My fave is the 2nd photo, top right.

  7. My fav is the red one with the anna maria horner print in the middle! What a fun idea for a quilt!

  8. Nope..you won't get a vote from me!! I like them all!!! I could never decide! I never give myself a choice!!! I'm so excited about this new quilt....one for YOUR bed!! How exciting!!! And don't you go giving it away!!!!

  9. Bird block! wood grain! bird block is the winner!

  10. What a great idea for a quilt! excellent execution, too!


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