Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Got Cats?

Help! I need two new cat block patterns to finish a new quilt comission. Got cats you can spare?

I'm making the quilt as a Christmas present for my friend to give her friend. It needs to include five cats, all based on the recipients actual five cats. I'd like to use a different pattern for each cat to make them unique, but I only have three patterns.

Here are the restrictions for the block patterns I need:

* must feature a whole cat, not just the face (like the ones i'm showing here)

* representational of a real cat, not cartoonish

* must be pieced, not appliqued or paper pieced

* must include cutting directions for a 12" block - or at least a 10", I can add a border if needed

Can anyone help???


  1. I love cats and have oodles of cat patterns. There are some pictures of cat quilts on my blog (http://sewcalgal.blogspot.com/search?q=cats ) that may give you an idea. If you don't find anything email me and can send you some photos & other links for cat quilt block designs that you might want to use.


    sewcalgal (at live.com)

  2. I am in the middle of my cat quilt for my sister! I had the same requirements. I found the easiest one and made my own pattern with Quilt Assistant (free program).

    Here are some Great ones!!!
    1) if i had more time I'd do this one: http://www.bluebirdgardens.com/graphics/Quilts/newsleepcatquilt1.jpg, see more on this page: http://www.bluebirdgardens.com/?realm=Home&page=Store+Category&category=Lap+Quilts&start=20

    2) Laying/Sitting down cat... I was going to do one up and then one down like this, but again, i dont have much time. http://www.sewvac1.com/Library/catquilt.htm

    3) you have this, but i love it: http://users.erols.com/thestewarts/images/CatQuiltSm.jpg

    4) These are standing with a tail and simple: http://www.thelindsleys.net/2005_quilts/Cat%20quilts.jpg and more similar at http://image57.webshots.com/57/7/65/12/452076512DabPyR_ph.jpg

    5) After i started mine i came across this cute one, sorry not the whole body, but had to share: http://www.azurehenfruit.com/assets/images/2005_Alley_Cat_s_quilt_front_November__2005.jpg

    6) This one has lying down and standing but tails look appliqued: http://www.quiltbus.com/images/cats-in-cabin.jpg

    7) These are like the other lying down cats buy taller: http://www.crazydoglady.com/images/9-cat.jpg

    8) these are interesting sitting cats: http://www.crazydoglady.com/images/thread-cats.jpg

    9) cat down with arched back and tail: http://image16.webshots.com/17/3/33/52/183133352SilZKf_ph.jpg

    10) side view cat: http://www.wondercutruler.com/cat2.jpg

    11) Cat standing with tail and front paws: http://image09.webshots.com/9/0/52/79/113705279LByHft_fs.jpg

    12) cat side view, looking at you with tail and two toned body: http://www.oldmadequilts.com/products/Cat_on_my_quilt_lg.jpg

    13) One BIG CAT, knock yourself out with this cool pattern: http://image42.webshots.com/42/2/81/86/374128186bytXeI_ph.jpg

    14) I call these kitten with stars: http://www.quilters-connection.com/class-pics/my-cats-are-stars.jpg

    15) Walking cats full of color: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3639/3573783640_b7e8c7c998.jpg

    16) Cat's Life: two in here have full bodies; http://www.quiltbus.com/images/Cats-life.jpg

    17) Tassellating Pattern, amazing: http://image03.webshots.com/3/8/97/80/20289780zNJdpgRIhi_ph.jpg and a different one: http://www.mccallsquilting.com/blogs/files/2009/08/kitty-memories-1a-300x290.jpg

    18) Various Pieced Bodies here: see the cat with the BIG EYES: http://image26.webshots.com/27/1/43/37/277614337kdEMAr_ph.jpg

    19) two toned standing cat with face defined chin: http://api.ning.com/files/FeiiRoWJgkwiw3Sz36cmNCiuDAEsYqZeU0x8ESArqYDHOdSzQYNKUwds3bpaZqJxLJOekuzy2-IoyR1z04X3gII6C2pSUtNJ/Siamese.jpg

    20) Big Fat Cat, what else could i call it: http://image03.webshots.com/3/3/25/68/2068325680075370807evdFZF_fs.jpg

    (results from Google Image search for the words "cat quilt" viewing pages 1 thru 20)

    You can always change the head from square tot he one with the diagnols for chin, another thing i wanted to do but no time this time.

    I of course picked the easiest one!

    Jackie (at) jackiesue.com


    - i hope to update my progress today on my blog with my cat quilt.

  3. My grandma gave me a quilt pattern called Crazy for Cats II by Mums the Word. I can't find a link to it, but I'd be happy to e-mail you a picture. I can't tell what the size of the blocks is.

    I'm not going to use it, so it's yours if you think it will work!

  4. I found a link. I was spelling it Mum's instead of Mumm's. Crazy me.


  5. I don't have any ideas but am sure looking forward to seeing all the kitties!

  6. just saw this one today:


    too cute

  7. just bought this today http://www.martingale-pub.com/store/product_info.php?cPath=52_60&products_id=965

    - an eBook on Cat designs for quilts and I admit i wasn't sure I'd be happy. but I am VERY happy i got this, a lot of GREAT ideas!


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