Thursday, November 5, 2009

Munki Business

Yay! When I saw these rare Heather Ross Munki Munki's in my mailbox, I knew I was in love. My DH bought them for me on the sly from etsy sellers who have recently figured out how to buy the pajamas HR made for Munki Munki and sell them off an arm and a leg at a time! I have all drumsticks, thank you very much, and they are great!

How could you not love these kitties!? They are just like the fish, they all have names.

And these "Bicycles I have loved" - so cute! I like Carrots, personally.

And the famous ice cream trucks! My favorite pink/red/orange, bits of lavendar color scheme.

Click on any of these to enlarge and appreciate all the detail HR puts into her designs. They really do look better larger!



  1. 2010年NHKマイルカップの鍵を握る馬の、厳選裏情報を特別公開!!情報を元に当たり馬券の量産をしよう

  2. ツイッターから始まる人間関係!今話題のツイッターなら新しい出逢いがすぐに見つかります

  3. 全国からメル友募集中の女の子達が、あなたとのであいを待ってるよ!無料エントリーで自由な恋愛を楽しんじゃお


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