Sunday, November 1, 2009

NaBloPoMo - Check out this Handmade Costume!

Welcome to the first post of my thirty day commitment! I've joined NaBloPoMo which stands for National Blog Posting Month. To join, you just have to put up a blog post every day in the month of November. I haven't been posting much lately, so I've got a bunch saved up to show and tell you. Keep your eyes tuned to this spot for daily crafty entertainment all month! Today I'm featuring the work of a talented Ebay seller: donavain at Country Crafted Costumes.

We wanted Gigi to be a raccoon for Halloween because of this incident where she earned her nickname little raccoon. Plus, we're looking down the barrel of 10+ years of Princess costumes here, so we have to mix it up while we still have a choice! This is the only raccoon costume on the whole internet that was even vaguely cute and boy howdy was it cute! Here's the little raccoon herself:

Loved it! But...crocheted mask too? How long will that stay on?

Well, it's still on! That's a good sign! Check out the super cute crocheted tail!

Yay! She kept it on long enough to get the photo with the waffle! I especially overbrowned one so it could go with her costume (see "the incident" above).

Like I said, the mask didn't last long! Here she is in her best 'raccoon reaching up to knock over the garbage can' pose. Okay, so she didn't really "pose", being 22 months and all, but it really looks like it!



  1. What a cute costume! I came over from teh quilt festival and love that baby quilt, but the racoon is worth the price of admision!

  2. Great costume and cute post about it!

  3. this is an excellent post and the captions are terrific!! Beautiful little baby! And beautiful costume, too. So detailed and so much work...good work Donovain-San!

  4. OH MY GOODNESS!!! How adorable!!!


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