Monday, December 21, 2009

Advent Calendar Gets a New Ornament

Merry Christmas (almost) everyone!  My sewing room
has been turned into the Christmas room, but that's okay, I'm only in there once in a while anyway, being a hand sewer.  The stockings are hung on my design wall with care!  (No, really, they are!)

Today I'd like to share our ancestral Advent calendar.  I'm pretty sure it was made by my Aunt, Sister Mary Alice in the 70's.

It just says home to me.  Everytime I see it I'm transported back to my childhood.  The little ornaments live in the pockets (see that fish in #22?) and every day a child gets to hang one on the tree.  The angel goes second last at the top of the tree and the nativity scene goes last.

Well I've been missing one of the precious ornaments for years now and every year I think I'm going to make another one and I never do.  So this year I finally did it!  Here's a cute snowman I made out of 100% wool felt with no stabilizer.

Funny story about that snowman.  I put it on the tree to take the photo and left it there.  Apparently I put it right at two year old height.  When I came back five minutes later, she had grabbed the wool snowman and stretched it downward with all her might.  Having no stabilizers, it stretched like crazy and looked, well, crazy.  Sigh.  I had such a cute ornament for five minutes.  I managed to recompose it a bit so it looks more normal. Don't have a photo of that, didn't want to show you!

Here is my favorite ornament, the nativity scene:

Feliz navidad, ya'll!


  1. I love your calendar, too! My best friend growing up had an ornament one - -i think I may move towards this eventually - thinking of activities or little treats is a bit exhausting!

  2. Hey! The manger (mangy) scene doesn't appear until the 25th!!! Someone switched the nornaments around!


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