Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Super Geeky Atari Quilt Love

Ohmygosh have you seen this amazing Space Invaders Quilt over at CarolinaPatchworks? Wowzers! As a member of the Atari generation, I salute you Emily for your tribute to our shared former passion (using our shared current passion!).

When I saw it I was like, "Of course! Pixels! Pixels just lend themselves to quilting, don't they!?" Duh, why didn't I think of that? I am sooooo going to try to make one someday.

If Space Invaders wasn't your bag, you might like this DonkeyKong quilt instead! Or how about this super amazing Galaga quilt. Great colors in that one. Or, if you're a little younger than me you might like this Legend of Zelda quilt or this Super Mario quilt.

Check out all the video game quilts she's made, yes there's more! I thought her husband's nickname for her was really funny too. She really did lay these quilts down one line at a time, just like a dot matrix printer. When I make mine I'm going to make each alien, etc. its own block. I don't think I want to spend the time with graph paper to figure out whole lines!

Edited to say: Want to make your own Super Mario quilt block? Marie at DIY-namite gives instructions right here!


  1. Did you see the Mario quilt?!? Incredible!

  2. I've been wanting to make Tetris quilt for a while...

  3. I was never much into video games although I really tried to be...but these quilts?! OH MY GOSH!!!!

  4. I love the idea of using squares for the 'pixels', but random quilting over the whole thing kind of ruins the idea for me. Square quilting would be better, I think!

  5. Amazing! I think I might have to attempt this for my brother who designs video games (in Austin)
    Think the galaga is my favorite.

  6. That quilt block is awesome! I might have to give that a try. My husband will think I've lost my mind.


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