Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Sincerest Form of Flattery

Ever since I saw the red and aqua gnome houses coming out of the Bee Imaginative bee, I've been dying to make some! I just decided, since this is my year of trying things that scare me, that I would just go ahead and try to make them with no patterns or measurements. I'm not imaginative enough to think up my own designs right off the bat, so I just copied the ones the bee members were producing as best I could.

Here's the first one I made. The one on the left below was made by John at QuiltDad and the one on the right was made by me. Hmmm...it appears that not all whites read as white! Oh well, let's try another block.

The block on the left this time is by Jacquie of Tallgrassprairie Studio and the block on the right is by me. Not bad! But my overhang leaves a little to be desired. This block also taught me that to make a red and aqua quilt you have to use the exact right fabrics. They have to be bright saturated reds and super bright aquas. If you vary from those, it just doesn't have the right look. See how hers is very crisp and mine is little less crisp?

I'll post a few more tomorrow, tune in then!


  1. Awesome! Your blocks look great!

  2. I think they look great and I'm super glad our little bee has inspired you!! :)

    XO, Heather

  3. your little gnome homes are too cute!! we are going to have twipsy twin quilts. :)

  4. I love those! So pretty! We should be friends - I love to sew/quilt and love anything shared at TED. :)

  5. great job! Thanks for participating in Friday Follow. I am catching up to the links. Rita @ http://one2try.blogspot.com/

  6. You just showed me my next project! Gnome houses! sometimes a doggie, sometimes a little fox, but always GNOMES!!


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