Thursday, February 11, 2010

This Thing is Enormous! Questions I'm Pondering

Why, one asks oneself rhetorically, would an all-by-hand quilter keep making such freaking huge quilts??? It just doesn't make good sense.

This is the half and half quilt I am making for my and my husband's bed that I started back in November. It was on hold waiting for backing while I made the Japanese wonky squares quilt. Here is my 25 year old daughter for scale. It's 10 feet by 11 feet! What the heck was I thinking? I must have just gotten carried away.

I planned to use a king size sheet for the backing (yeah, I know you're not supposed to use sheets but I like 'em). The one I had was too small so I measured the quilt carefully and bought a different king size sheet set that the measurements said would fit. Well, if you'll look carefully at the photo above, you'll see the corner of the sheet taped to the floor. What do you notice?

I just decided to take a row of blocks off the bottom and have it be 9 blocks by 9 blocks. I felt like the quilt was telling me that if it was 8 inches bigger than a king sized sheet (that gets tucked in!) then it just plain did not NEED to be that big. King sized beds are kind of square anyway. Another question: If one king size sheet did not fit my quilt, why did I think a new one would???

A final question: who wants nine 12-inch blocks? As an extra bonus, they are already sashed together! If you'd like to see which ones they are, click on the above photos to enlarge, they are the bottom row across. I will send them to the person with the best use for them in the comments by tomorrow lunch. Ok, Go!


  1. Maybe you thought a California King was bigger than a regular King? I don't know! And how long will it take to quilt a quilt this size?

    I would use those blocks to make matching pillows to throw on your bed! You can get 3 pillows out of them: two squares on the front, one on the back times three!

  2. Well, you will certainly have a nice hang over the edge with that quilt. It looks fantastic, even if it is a beast.

  3. And yes, i would make them and send them back to you!

  4. This looks fantastic, but it is HUGE! You might be slightly nuts.

    I really love the sashing. It just makes each block pop.

  5. Interesting thought Karen, but I have no way to click on your name! Do you have a blog?

    It will take me a few weeks to quilt it. I'm not planning to be fancy!

  6. Whoa nelly. It sure is beautiful tho and I like the 1/2 and 1/2 idea. Take Karen up on her offer fur sure.

  7. wow, it is huge, but it looks great!

  8. This quilt is going to be beautiful when it is finished. BTW, I've hand quilted several king size Hawaiian quilts. It does take time, but it will be so soft and cuddly when you finished that you'll love it even more! Just remember it starts with one stitch and ever stitch gets you closer to the finish!


  9. That's huge! But it looks so fantastic. I love the pillow idea - you should totally do that! Don't worry, we won't think any less of you if you don't give them away. :-)

  10. your quilt is beautiful and I love the idea of the 2 sides. You should keep the blocks and make a runner for the dresser or some matching pillows

  11. Your quilt is lovely. The idea of making pillows sounds like a good one to me, but if you are determined to give away your extra blocks, my group and I make "love covers" for a hospital in St. Louis, MO. These love covers are either for preemies or to cover incubators.

  12. That is beautiful! But holy cow, the idea of hand quilting this is completely freaking me out.

  13. I love this quilt. Your use of color with the white sashing is beautiful. And thanks for the nice comment on my blog (Ixchel Art). You're very kind. And I plan on being at the AAQG meeting in March. Kathy York is a great art quilter and very down to earth. It should be a fun talk.

  14. Woah! What a huge quilt. I like the idea of the two colours. Put a row of blocks across the back, a pieced section the would make the backing a little wider maybe.

  15. I love this quilt. Ok I love most quilts but this one is so colorful and fun to look at.

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  16. Sure...maybe you're a little crazy for doing it but ..... WOW! ! ! !
    And it's for YOU!!!!!! Go crazy! Be crazy! It looks FANTASTIC


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