Monday, October 18, 2010

Cabin in the Snow Mini Quilt

I've always kind of wanted to make a mini quilt and so today I did! I made this Cabin in the Snow as a mug rug for a dear friend of mine. It measures 6" by 5". It's a lot cuter in person, it has more depth to the colors and you can see the little swirls in the white on white snow.

I didn't use a pattern or draw one out, I just started making tiny wonky stars by cutting 1" squares and following Sillyboodilly's great tutorial to piece them. Then I just estimated the size of everything else. The door is yellow to show that someone has a light on for you and is waiting by the fire.

On the back I used one of my oldest and most favorite fabrics. It reminds me of the bare branches in the snow of my childhood home, Milwaukee. The tiny 1/4" binding was difficult for me to sew on, witness the terrible corner on the bottom left in the photo!

I am missing fall in my homeland and wish I were soon in a cabin in the snow "up north", which in Milwaukee-speak means "anywhere in Wisconsin that is not Milwaukee".



  1. LOL @ terrible corner. Looks perfectly fine to me. Those stars are my favorite thing to do right now.
    Hey, build a house in Maine!!!

  2. Very good. So impressive. I know you do everything by hand, so that's even more impressive. I haven't tried a miniature quilt yet, either, but I would like to try it sometime, too. I love what you did. The fabric on the back does look like sticks with snow on them. My husband is from Dousman, just between Milwaukee and Madison. He loves winter in Wisconsin, too. I like Michigan winters...I think they are a lot like Wisconsin winters...lots of snow. I grew up in Iowa, where we had a lot of snow, but probably more sleet and freezing rain. Last year was my first Michigan winter, and I noticed that it was colder here and we got less sleet and better snow. I was pleased by that, because winters can be gray and dreary. Good snow helps that be tolerable, in my book. You can come up here whenever you're missing it!

  3. I love it a lot. It reminds me of some potholders I pieced that I called my Snowman potholders because all the fabrics added up to remind me of the movie "The Snowman." Bare branches, snowstorm, conifers with snow on them, and starry night. I don't think I ever too a picture. Must do that.... Thank you for sharing a sweet little something like this. Your friend will be blessed.

  4. I just found your blog threw the randomizer at NaBloPoMo. I'm adding you to my feedreader.

  5. Over from Gretchen Joanna's. Sweet lil quilts! Love your choice of fabrics and house in the snow.


  6. Do you have a tutorial on how to quilt as you go?? How do you do the backing? I'm a hand quilter as well.
    Gmama Jane

  7. This is so sweet. I love it!


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