Monday, December 13, 2010

Giveaway Day!

Update: The random number generator at picked #32 - Tara from Crafting Into Sanity! Congrats to Tara, the geese will be winging their way to you tomorrow.

Tara said:
I am now a follower. I would love this giveaway. I have several friends who are pregnant so I would love to make this one for them.

Happy Giveaway Day!

Since I am the home of all things baby quilt, today I'm giving away a whole baby quilt! (some assembly required) The gaggle of geese you see above are just waiting to fly to your home to be joined into rows and backed with one of the two fabrics below - just add batting and you're there!

The 66 geese measure 4"X6.5" and are all hand pieced, since I don't own a machine.

Just line them up into rows and sew. Here, I've even drawn you a quilt map! Aren't I nice?

If you want to make it a larger quilt, feel free to add sashing between the rows, or wide borders, but then you won't get to back it with one of these beauties.

The winner just needs to tell me if they want the boy backing or the girl backing, choose one. Both are large enough to back the quilt in the quilt map. The pink is flannel, the blue is not.

Wanna win? Just subscribe to my blog. Then leave me a comment telling me so and saying who you would give the baby quilt to if you won. Only one comment per person, and make sure I can get your email address.

That's it! Happy commenting!

PS: If you don't win, you can still make your own flock of geese with this super easy Twiddletails tutorial. Just cut one rectangle and two squares and two minutes later, your goose is cooked. Try it!


  1. I subscribed! Your geese are so cute! what a great give-away - thanks for hosting ;-)

  2. Thank you for the giveaway! Until very recently (the last year and a half) I was also doing everything by hand! Then my now-husband bought me a sewing machine...gotta love him! Maybe someday you can get a machine too!

  3. Wow! So much work you've put into this!
    I LOVE the ducky fabric. ;-) Precious.
    justforthis917 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  4. Hi!
    I subscribed. Or I hope I did since I'm not actually sure how too. But I put it in my google reader :)
    I would like the boy backing these squares are sooo cute love the fabric!

  5. Oh my, I have 6 baby quilts to make before next June! I would give this quilt to my friend Kari who tried for 7 years to get pregnant and is due in June '11.
    I would choose the boy backing.
    Thanks for the opportunity to win these flying geese!

  6. What a lovely quilt. I'd be making the quilt for my future baby. The cutting is the part that scares me the most so this would be fun.

  7. I subscribed via Google Reader! And I'd probably keep the quilt for my kids - I'm new to quilting so I can't bear the thought of giving away all that work quite yet.

    What a generous giveaway!

  8. you've been added to my subscriptions. I would love to win and assemble this for my niece, Zoey! Thanks :)

  9. I have so many friends who are pregnant right now and almost all of them are having girls! So, if I win, I would like to have the girl backing.


  10. What a great giveaway, thanks! I'm in awe that you piece by hand. I just started machine piecing! I think I'd like a backing for a baby boy. This would be such a fun project to tackle, and one that would seem less intimidating since it's mostly already together.

  11. ARE YOU SERIOUS? This is a more than generous giveqway. Oh please pick me. Id love the chance to win and Id like the boy backing.

  12. Great giveaway! Those are beautiful geese. I'd give the quilt to one of my sisters in law, two of whom are pregnant!

  13. What a great giveaway! Love the quilt....I would give it to my new baby niece. So the girl backing would be great. :) I subscribe to your blog as well.

  14. So beautiful!! I would give this to a dear friend's soon to be newborn, he is due any day now! What a generous giveaway!!
    gossamerdspider (at) yahoo (dot) com

  15. I'm so glad to see another person who works primarily by hand (though I piece mainly using a machine). I love the rubber ducks backing and at this point and time, there are no friends or family expecting but given I would hand-quilt this piece, I have faith in my friends/family to tell me they are expecting by the time I'm done.

    (FYI - I subscribed to your blog through my google reader. It's the only way I can keep up with all the blogs I love to read daily :) )

  16. I´m amazed with your handwork.
    I wouldn´t have you sending a quilt to Brazil, so I´m not applying to the giveaway.
    I´ve just found you, love your work and made sure to be following you.

  17. I'm so impressed by your hand work. Just gorgeous. I'd love to win and give the quilt to a friend that is having twins (one girl, one still unknown) after years of fertility treatments.

    Thank you.

  18. I'm now a follower - and am THOROUGHLY impressed you do it all my hand! I can't even begin to imagine!

    If I won this, I'd make a baby quilt for my sisters newest addition, who is due in February! I'll get a little niece to spoil! :D

  19. I am a follower and this quilt would be for our new baby!

  20. I am now a follower... glad to have stumbled upon you because I love baby quilts, too! I would either give this finished to our local NICU, or to one of the new babies in the family. Thanks for the chance!

  21. I've been a follower for a while now, but I just made it "official"...

    Love those flying geese...they are my favorite block and I can't believe you do it by lovely.

    I would make this for ME!! I'm a bit old to have a baby...but I can be one..

  22. I'm a GFC follower---and I'd love to make this and give it to my friend's daughter. So beautiful.

  23. I am a follower! Love the hand stitched squares! I would love to win and finish making this quilt for my baby boy!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  24. I'm a subscriber now! There's a baby who will join us in January (but he'll be a preemie at 26 weeks gestation cause mom has preeclampsia) so that's who I'd make the quilt for!

  25. I'd love to enter your wonderful giveaway and I have already been following :)
    I would give to my grandson so the boy fabric is great!!
    kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com

  26. Wow, what a great treasure! Everytime I see your blog I am just astounded at your handwork. I love flying geese! I am totally hoping that your beautiful baby quilt magic might possibly come with baby vibes for me!

  27. Oh..LOVE LOVE LOVE!! I have always wanted to try flying geese but I have never had the guts to go there...this is an awesome giveaway!! I have my first nephew coming and this would be an amazing gift!!! LOVE!
    mugirl113 at gmail dot com

  28. I think I forgot to say that I am a subscriber...geese...they do it to me every time!! HAHAHAHA
    mugirl113 at gmail dot com

  29. I would need the boy backing and would gift it to my newest nephew who was born with club feet so he will have something to snuggle during all the doctor visits every week.

  30. I'm a new subscriber :) And very happily at that! You have some incredibly beautiful quilts!
    I would absolutely love to make this and give it to my brother and sister-in-law. They're expecting an angel this March... here's the catch though, she doesn't want to know what they're having and he knows but won't tell anyone! That being said, I'd pick the blue backing ;) It's a little safer than pink in case it's a boy! But those little duckies sure are adorable!
    Thanks so much for holding this great giveaway! I can't wait to see your posts in my reader! :)

  31. I´ve posted about your work in my blog. If you don´t agree with the posting, pls let me know asap so I can delete it.
    Hope you don´t mind.
    Your expertise impresses me.

  32. I am now a follower. I would love this giveaway. I have several friends who are pregnant so I would love to make this one for them.

  33. I am now a follower and if I were to win I would save it for a special baby girl that we are hoping to add to our family by the end of next year...we are just starting the adoption process. :)

  34. What a cute idea! I'd want the blue backing since I'd be using this for a new baby bundle of boy who's about to pop in about 2 weeks!! <3

    Thanks for the wonderful giveaway! Happy holidays to you and yours! <3


  35. subscribe with google friend

    I would make this for a dear friend, who called me about 10 days ago and said she was expecting her first little one :)


  36. So cute, I would make it and give it to my daughter who is four!

  37. lovely fabric! I would choose the blue, thanks!
    seemommysew @ gmailDOTcom

  38. OMG! I love your blog! I love the girl fabric (duckies!) I LOVE EVERYTHING!
    I subscribed to your blog.

  39. I would make this for my friend who is expecting a baby girl this next month. This would pair nicely with the bibs I already made her. Thank you for the chance to win.

  40. I'd love to win these with the blue backing. It would make such a cute quilt.

  41. I am so impessed with your hand stitching. I like to quilt by hand but I always machine piece my tops. I love the look of flying geese but have never tried that pattern so I wouls love to win your lovely blocks with the girl backing.

  42. Wow, what an awesome package to win! Thanks for the chance at it, I'd prefer a gender neutral backing so I suppose the blue could be for either. :)

  43. Following :)

    I'd probably give it to my moms coworker, who is due with her first [and sadly, due to fertility issues, more then likely her only] baby in 3 days :) It's been a rough pregnancy, but we're all very exciting to welcome him home in time for Christmas.

  44. I'd give this to my pregnant sister. I would love to give her something handmade!

  45. Merry Christmas. I'm so excited about becoming a grandmother for the first time in February and this would be the perfect giveaway to win!

  46. I would give the quilt to my niece who is expecting a boy. Thank you for the chance to win. And yes I have become a follower.

  47. Woa, what a giveaway! I would be delighted to make a girl quilt out of those lovely geese. I love flannel for backing a quilt. Honk! Honk!

  48. I'm following through Google Friend Connect. I would choose the ducky fabric and give the quilt to my new granddaughter. Thanks for the giveaway!

  49. I am a follower. I would give the quilt to my niece who just had her first baby boy- our first baby in a long long time. Thanks for the wonderful give away.

  50. fly those geese to me....I follow your blog already, and i'd donate it to my chapter of project linus...

  51. Holy stink girlie??!! You are giving these away!! You are awesome!

    I'd love a boy backing for one of my boys!

  52. Very generous to give away hand-sewn quilt blocks! I would love the "girl" fabric for my friend's baby who is yet to be born.

  53. Wow! What an incredibly generous giveaway! I subscribed because this was just too good to pass up. I really like the blue for the backing. I'm pretty sure I already have the pink duckies in my stash.

  54. Lovely and such work in it to boot. You are super. I would add the blue backing myself. And now to gander at the rest of your blog.

  55. I already subscribe to you! What a treat these would be. I'm not a flannel fan, although those ducks are cute. So I guess I would ask for the blue. Thanks!

  56. I've subscribed. What a wonderful giveaway! I would make this for my step-cousin's baby girl who is due in May. Technology is so advanced that at 16 weeks they already know they are having an Ava. Crazy, huh?? Merry Christmas!

  57. I subscribed! Awesome giveaway... I would choose the boy backing. Thanks for the chance!

  58. Wow - you are an inspiration! I've been hand-sewing for a few months now, I call it my "nesting" phase. I know it might sound selfish, but I'm due to have a baby boy sometime between now and Christmas (!) so I'd actually keep this beauty for myself :) Thanks so much for sharing, I love it that I found (and subscribed to) your blog!

  59. I am a follower! I would like the boy background if I win because a good friend of mine is having a baby boy! Thanks for the chance to win!

    superkyra21 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  60. wow, you've taken out all the hard work. i would use this for a boy quilt.

  61. You know, if I had it started already, maybe I would actually finish it.

  62. What a cute quilt to be! I would like the pink background. I just subscribed to your blog!

  63. New subscriber. This is amazing and would be adored. If I'm picked - blue backing please.

  64. new follower! I would say the blue. I have a new nephew on the way and this would be great for him.
    blessed.mama4 at

  65. I would be honored to have some of your handpiecing! I've had you in my google reader for a while now. I just became a follower. I would make a quilt for one of my grandchildren, of course!

  66. i love the rubber ducks! i am also amazed that you put all that together by hand!

  67. That is a great idea. I would make it for a little boy - a new little guy who is just three weeks old but facing several surgeries ahead of him.

  68. Oh my gosh!!! I can't believe you hand sewed all of these!! That in it's self is amazing! I love it and would love to make a finished quilt from them. Thank you!

  69. Wow, by hand!!! Someone is going to be very lucky! If I won I would want the girl backing :)

  70. Does it count if I was already a subscriber? I would give the quilt to the baby of my son and his new wife.

  71. i love the blue backing!

    i am pregnant and would give this quilt to my baby, due in june. i would like to make an entire quilt 'from scratch,' but with a toddler to chase around and a lot of other sewing to do besides, i am not sure that can happen! this would be amazing to win.

    thank you SO much for the chance to win!!!!

  72. Thanks for the giveaway. I am amazed that you did those by hand! If I win, I would have to choose the boy backing, but the ducks are sooo cute.

  73. love the duckies!! jhoseyheitzman(at)gmail(dot)com

    thank you for the giveaway!

  74. I just finished my first machine sewn quilt; before that I did it all by hand, too. I would love to have the girl backing. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  75. Thanks for the chance to win in your giveaway. The geese pieces look great. I have 2 babies to sew for in 2011, don't know what they willbe yet so I would take either the boy or the girl backing. Merry CHristmas.

  76. I subscribed. I would give it to my friend who is expecting in May. She doesn't know the sex, so I suppose I'd go with the blue. Thanks for the chance!

  77. Wow- what an amazing giveaway!! Dec 17th is my birthday, so winning would make the day extra-special.

    I love the ducks!

  78. follow your blog- i would give the quilt to my niece, so the duckies would be perfect!

    asdrexler at gmail dot com

  79. I'm a follower. And I LOVE the duck backing. I would have to give the quilt to my cousin's baby girl due sometime around my birthday.

    Side note: I miss living in Austin!

  80. I just commented, but didn't see it come up. Sorry if this is a duplicate.

    By subscribing, do you mean "follow"? I am now following your Blog. You have always been in my RSS Feed, because I have been so amazed at your hand sewing!

    I would love the geese and the Blue/boy backing. We are 8 months prego, and I am wanting to do some sewing!


  81. I subscibed to your blog!! And I would give the quilt to a friend of mine how's daughter is having a girl!! THANKS for the opportunity!!!

  82. I just became a follower and would love the flying geese. I've never made any, but the tutorial is bookmarked. I think I'd pick the flannel if I won and I'd give it to my first granddaughter to be born. debgiro at wildblue dot net

  83. I subscribed! I can't believe you are giving those away, they are so pretty. I would take the ducks, absolutely, even though I don't know the sex of the next baby I'm sewing for. I just love those ducks.

  84. adorable! i'd probably go with the girl, and give it to my bestie who's due in february!

  85. Wow. You do the hard part of the quilting. How nice of you. Thanks for the chance to win.

  86. Wow!! These are great! My workplace is currently having a baby boom (4 due within a month of each other, including my first!) and I could sure use this for a gift! I could go either way with the backing--but I'll say girl since there are more of them. Thanks so much for your generosity.

  87. I have a new nephew who needs little geese flying all over his chubby little feet.. You're an amazing artist- hopefully I could do justice to your work!

  88. Thank you for this giveaway. I too like hand piecing for some projects. The finished quilt would go to my nephew and his wife who are expecting their first baby (Jan). They both appreciate handmade quilts, and my nephew proudly displays the one my mother made when he was a baby.

  89. I always found these geese to be difficult...some of their beaks were missing or misshapen, so I appreicate how much work went into these! If I win, I would like pink please!!

  90. I like the boy backing. And I must say: hand piecing: wow! Do you WANT to do it by machine, or do you just prefer this method?

  91. I am a follower. I'd go with the blue backing. I hate making geese so am glad that is the part of the quilt you got done :)!!! I'd add rows between the geese I think. I have had aslew of grandbabies lately...well 10 in 6 yrs. No one is expecting just now, but one son is in the process of may happen by spring, so this baby quilt would go to the child they are wanting from Ethiopia.

  92. Holy moley... hand pieced?! That's awesome! I'd love the blue bc I like the stars. I have 2 babies coming into my world next year and one of them will be the lucky one!

  93. please enter my name in your lovely drawing...
    bonnie in Florida USA...

  94. amazing you do everything by hand! thanks for the opportunity. I just found out my neighbor is expecting - so this would be great to make them a quilt.

  95. I'm a follower and if I win I'll give it to my niece that is pregnant for her first daughter in Feb.

    Thanks so much for the chance to win!

  96. This is such a fabulous giveaway!!! WOW! I would love the blue backing! It's really cute! jinglesells at gmail dot com

  97. Should I win this great project, which by the way I've always wanted to do, but was terrified by the triangles, I would give it to my newest grand daughter scheduled to be born in May. What fun to have a part in the project and not have to worry with the triangle part!

  98. I am a new follower! :)

    I would prefer the blue fabric for my grandchild to be. We don't know the sex yet but I think that pretty blue works for either.

    Happy holidays!

  99. I subscribed through Google reader.

    I'd give this to my sister -- she's expecting a girl in January and I already made her a baby blanket last month, but it would be awesome if I could cram one more in before she gave birth!

  100. Thanks for sharing. I would love the blue backing, because I have new grandson due in March, and that is who I would make this quilt for if I won.

  101. I love the blue backing. I have a grandson due in march and would make this quilt for him.

  102. I "follow" I would like the boy backing if I won. I would give this quilt to my daughters god mother who is hoping to have a baby soon!

  103. Girl gifts are so much easier to come up with than boy gifts. That blue fabric is great! And those flying geese pieces are amazing. I'm a new quilter and haven't ventured into triangles yet. Thanks for the chance to win. :)

  104. I would give it to a good friend who is currently trying to conceive.

  105. I would love to win so I can make a baby quilt for my new grandson.
    Thank you.

  106. How neat! I would give it to one of my soon-to-be-mom friends.

  107. I'm a new follower on Google Friend Connect :) I would give the quilt to my soon-to-be sister-in-law because she just had a baby! The girl fabric would be perfect.

  108. I'm a new follower! I would love to make a quilt with those sweet geese! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  109. Wow! Hand peiced?!?!

    I would love the girl backing if I win!


  110. I love the boy backing. Simple yet cute!

  111. I enjoy making baby quilts for other army wives in my husbands unit. I am now following your blog.

  112. How lovely that you pieced those squares by hand! I would choose the backing for a baby girl because I would finish the quilt to become a gift for my friend's brand-new granddaughter, Natalie. Thanks for participating in Giveaway Day! I am a new follower.

  113. I followed you! I am a machine sewer, but I'm slowly trying to increase my hand stitching.
    I would love the boy backing if I win.
    Any tips for hand sewing clothing for little boys? Do you do anything special to reinforce seams?


  114. I'm a new follower and I would love the blue backing. I love the fabric in the flying geese. kcarlson1152[at]

  115. Oh! Precious! My new little niece would look so sweet wrapped in this quilt.

  116. awesome giveaway, thank you! I would selfishly keep the quilt as we have a baby due here in 4 weeks, I am a new follower!

    please take a peek at my giveaway, if you get the chance...

  117. I subscribed. I like the blue background, but I would give it to my new granddaughter.

  118. Boy backing. My niece is expecting

  119. wonderful the geese and they would look great with the boy backing.

  120. I am a follwer! I would like the ducky fabric. My sister-in-law just found out she is expecting, so I would give the quilt to her. I don't know if it's a boy or a girl yet, so if it turns out to be a boy, I will use the ducky fabric for myself!

    Thanks for the giveaway! Robyn (dot) Geddes (at) gmail (dot) com


Every single comment makes me feel appreciated!