Monday, December 29, 2008

Quilt Block Potholders

Here's a cute idea, make your friends quilt block potholders! I just bought heat proof batting at Hobby Lobby for like $2 a yard, made a few blocks and voila, easy presents. I included the front and back of each one because I like the backs kind of more than the fronts!
I used fabric by Amy Butler on all three (see if you can find them!), fabric by Jennifer Paganelli on the cake and the heart, fabric by Robert Kaufmann on the cake, and fabric by Heather Ross on the star.
Love, Wendy


  1. I love these!!! The cupcakes make me happy just looking at them. I know what everyone is getting next year!!

  2. Wendy, your mom has shared photos of some of your work with me in the past, but seeing your whole collection is astounding! You are so talented!!


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