Saturday, March 7, 2009

Stars for the Australian Bushfire Quilt Project

Well, here are my two stars for the Bushfire Project. I've never made wonky stars before and it takes a bit of practice to get them wonky without the points being too skinny. Making these was especially hard for me as I don't own a machine! You have to cut through seams a lot to make them, which is no big deal for a machine sewer, but I kept cutting off my knots and having to go reknot my ends. But that's ok, because it's for a good cause. I will send them to Australia tomorrow!



  1. this is so kind of you! I hope everyone follows your example!

  2. Well....I'm just liking these too
    much!!! I think I am going to make
    some today too!

  3. these are so lovely! i'm still so amazed that you do everything by hand!! your amazing!

  4. beautiful stars! i need to try these soon!

  5. They turned out great! I have a few more to make, then I'll be sending mine off too. Wouldn't it be fun if ours ended up on the same quilt!


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