Monday, April 13, 2009

Three More Improv Blocks

Here are my last three blocks for Project Improv in the pink and orange colorway. Double click to see them bigger. Which is your favorite???


  1. These are so much fun, wish I had found out about this sooner - my favorite is the top one!

  2. Love the improv blocks! the white one with the little bits of color! woohoo! Lets see a whole quilt like that!

  3. LOVE that top block. What a great idea!

  4. oooh thats a hard one
    i think the top one is my fave, because of that stagecoach fabric
    but the second block is a close second! but all three are pretty

  5. Woo Hoo is right!!! Believe it or not my FAV is the white one in the middle!!!

  6. oh, i really like the first one best!! they are all lovely though!! :)


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