Monday, June 29, 2009

Top Done! And Another Gnome Dilemma

The quilt top is finally done! I took your advice and gnomed up the sashing. Likee?

Now below I'm showing the pieced back two ways...

Angela wanted all gnomes on the back with the strip of floating blocks in brown. I only had a 3/4 yard piece of gnomes left that was not wide enough to make it all the way across (that piece is on top in the photos). But I remembered I did have a yard of gnomes that Angela had bought me earlier this year as a present, so I thought I might use that (bottom in the photo) because it is wide enough. Though it is wide enough, it is not, unfortunately, long enough. If I use that yard I am still short six inches, so I thought maybe i'd put a 3 inch strip of stripes on the top and bottom of the brown strip (I only show it on the top in the photo but it would be top and bottom).

If I don't put in the stripes AND use my gnomes, i'll need her to buy a yard and a half of new gnomes. Another option presented by Chen is to put in a strip of white on either side of the brown instead of the stripes, to make it less busy.

What do you think???

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Need Your Opinion on the Sashing

Ok, so all 24 blocks are done and sashed vertically into rows. Now I need some help deciding on the horizontal sashing. I talked to my boss about how light white sashing would make the quilt but she really wanted white, so that's not the question.

Here is the quilt on the design wall with white horizontal and vertical sashing.
Click to enlarge, this quilt is too light to be appreciated from far away.

Now here is the quilt with gnome cornerstones in the horizontal white sashing. The gnomes are her favorite of all the fabrics and I think it gives the quilt some zazz. The binding will also add zazz, as I plan to use the dots you see here.

So what do you think? To gnome or not to gnome?

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

WhimsicalRoad Made Me a Weiner!

I must have entered a hundred giveaways on SewMamaSew giveaway day and did manage to win one pretty thing! Yay! I really wanted to win this dress for Miss Gigi so I was very happy. The birdie print is oh-so-cute! Click to enlarge if you want to see it.

Miss G was not cooperating this morning when I was playing photographer, so no full on shots that don't feature fussing. She is already into the terrible twos at only 18 months. She'll take any excuse to throw a huge, hysterical fit, complete with throwing herself on the ground. Today, in fact, is the exact day that she turns 18 months old so we're happy to have a 'sort of' birthday present! You can see in the back photo that she still has her baby hair and that her hair glows red in the sun, just like mine!

Thanks so much Whimsical Road. Check out her blog to see the beautiful Amy Butler dress she's featuring today, and her etsy shop to buy one for yourself!

Monday, June 15, 2009

20 Blocks Done for New Quilt!

I'm almost there! I've got only four more blocks to go for the front and four for the back. I love how it's turning out! Click to see the photos bigger and tell me what ya think.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Sunday Stash

Today i'm featuring an old Munki Munki Heather Ross fabric I just got in a swap - ice cream trucks on pink! Love it!

Edited to say: It's only a small scrap, a 6" by 22" piece. I'll probably use it someday in patchwork on a very special quilt!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

My Monster Winner

Melissa just showcased this cute photo on her blog so I thought i'd show it here. It's her son enjoying the monster she won from me in the Sew Mama Sew giveaway.
Cute! Love to see kids enjoying my toys.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Eight More Heather Ross Blocks for New Quilt!

...NOW which one is your favorite??? Click to enlarge.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

First Four Blocks for New Quilt!

Here they are! Click to see them larger.

I'm in love with these! Especially the shivering chihuahua and the gnomes in windows. Enjoy the backdrop of my son's sidewalk chalk artwork.

Which one is your favorite?

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Does Anyone Like Heather Ross???

Of course you do! Silly question! Here's a look at the fabrics my wonderful boss/friend Angela bought for her soon-to-be-born baby boy. She didn't even think about fabric until she met me and now she's a Heather Ross collecting fool like the rest of us!

I can't wait to start making her some strippy and wonky squares out of these! These are just the selvages so I can mix and match colors easily, but I recently started keeping selvages too for a someday project.

So....what do you think? Cute???

Sorry for the poor quality of the photo, the lighting was bad. Double click for a better view!