Tuesday, March 30, 2010

It's My Birthday!

I am 39. That is all.

Check out last year's photo here. I think I look better this year!
My coworker/friend Erin baked me the cake up there and my other friend/coworker Sarah drew me the card and special birthday coupons! We're going to lunch at Woodland and then to Stitch Lab for fabric. Tonight is the family party. Fun!


  1. Yay for birthday lunches and birthday trips to the sewing/craft store!

    Happy Day, Wendy!


  2. Happy Birthday!
    I've enjoyed wandering around through your wonderful (and funny!) blog. Mr. BabyQuilts showed it to me as he passed by while re-plumbing our entire house. He is currently under the house making things right - what a great guy you married, and now I can see what a great gal he married!!
    Enjoy your party tonight!

  3. hippo birdie two ewe
    hippo birdie two ewe
    hippo birdie dear wendlebobber
    hippo birdie two ewe!!!

    (thanks to Boynton for making this birthday card 39 years ago!!)

    I'm so proud of you!
    I love you!
    Your moom

  4. Happy, happy birthday!!!!
    hope you have a great day!

  5. happy birthday! you look great any year! WooHoo! Awesome - I love birthdays! - jackie

  6. Happy Day to you! Sounds like you'll be having a special time - show us your new fabric!
    I'm glad we're going to swap some Heather Ross!

  7. Uh uh I don't believe it. ::shaking head:: You look 28. Happy birthday!

  8. Happy (LATE) BIrthday!!! Hope it was a good one!!!! And that you got to sew. :)

  9. You look fantastic! Happy Birthday!

  10. Man Wendy, you look late 20's, seriously! And a grandma already??!! Happy belated birthday and you look great!


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