Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A Finish! King Size Squares and Frames

Finally! I finished the king size quilt for my bed. I love it! I tried to fix the lighting in photoshop, but it just made the colors all weird, so I hope you can see these. Click on them to make them bigger if you want to see them better.

Here it is on the bed, with the blue and green rows on my husband's side and the pink and red rows on my side (plus the snuggle row in the middle of blue/green plus red/pink in each block).

The snuggle row is vertical with mermaids/green in this photo.

And here's the back. It took forever to quilt this thing, but I plodded through, with a goal of a couple of blocks per day, and it only took a month (!). The whole quilt has taken months, in between working on lots of other stuff, and has fought me at times, but I finally get to keep a quilt! Yay!


  1. Congrats on finishing...it's super cute - and I love the idea of different colors on each side...so clever :)

  2. Congratulations! Big project. Lovely quilt. Really cute fabrics and cheerful colors! You will certainly sleep happy under this beautiful quilt!


  3. Congrats! A king-sized quilt is an accomplishment. I love your color scheme, and your idea of a snuggle row is too cute.

  4. Wow! I'm working on a queen, and it's killing me - I can't imagine making king!!
    Thanks for your comment on my Busytown quilt.

  5. This is wonderful and inspiring. I love the colors and the *scale*!

  6. I love this quilt. And since I am a handquilter I appreciate all the hardwork you have put into it.


  7. Wow, really that was pretty fast!
    Especially for such a big quilt - its beautiful!

  8. This is incredible! I've really enjoyed watching the progress of this quilt. It's beautiful, and I'm sure it will become a family heirloom.

  9. Wow, gorgeous! I love how you set out the color scheme. I really do have to make one like this one.

  10. wow this is gorgeous and king size!!!! I love the idea of the way you arranged the colours.

  11. Woohoo! Well worth the work and wait. And to be honest, I'm amazed you finished it that quickly.

  12. That is beautiful! I love the "man" side and then the pink side. And all hand stitched, wow!!

  13. This is the BEST! I'm so happy you finished it and you're happy with it and that it's on the bed! It's really awesome. Happy belated birthday. 39 is a good age...almost 40 and the 40's are GREAT! At least I liked the 40's much better than the 30's in most things anyway. You look beautiful...now and last year too!

  14. Wow! I love this! I am so amazed you made such a huge project AND that you didn't use a sewing machine for it! That's really impressive! I love the "his and hers" quality of your design - very cute!

  15. It looks great!!!! Love all the mix of colors.

  16. I love this quilt, what a clever idea of putting the different colors on each side. I've been wanting to make a quilt similar to this type of pattern. Beautiful!

  17. wow! this is lovely! i am admiring the wonderful colors and how you have them arranged. also i love the cute pink dress you made recently, your bread looks yummy, and the new quilt you are working on with stars looks fun. i'm really impressed that you do everything by hand!!

  18. What a great quilt and I LOVE the snuggle row in the middle. :D


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