Sunday, January 16, 2011

Starry Heather Ross Quilt Finish!

I really like how this turned out! The cold, rainy weather here is not cooperating for photos, but trust me, it's gorgeous. My sister gave me her whole stash of Heather Ross to make it, and I used almost every scrap. It's a copy of this quilt I made for a baby, I just figured out different measurements. I was pretty proud of myself, considering all I had was a photo to start with!

I quilted every six inches, outlining each star and circling little motifs like I did in this Heather Ross quilt.

I included three selvages too, for fun. Here's my favorite one above.

There are even a few stars using the coveted seagull fabric, that you really can't even buy anymore. I just did a quick search and couldn't find ANY for sale on the internet.


Here's a cute weiner dog outline. He needs a sweater here in Texas today.

For the back, my sister sent a soft flannel twin size sheet that worked perfectly to bring to the front as binding. Also shown above is my second favorite selvage, including the color dots.

And here's Ty enjoying his quilt. Have a good weekend!


  1. Pretty. Love the different sized stars. So cute!

  2. GORGEOUS! You must really love your sister. :) I love every one of those stars!

  3. I can't believe how gorgeous this turned out! It means the world to us that you spent so much time on this Heather Ross masterpiece.

  4. Wonderful, I just love it!! Such a nice way to use Heather Ross fabric. Enjoy.

  5. Very cute. I again bow to all your handwork and accomplishment!

  6. Fabulous finish! It looks wonderfully snuggly.

  7. I have been here before, but I think your blog is awesome. I think its amazing that you do all your work by hand! You have such a great eye for color!

  8. It is absolutely beautiful! I've only happened across one other Heather Ross quilt before. It is so fun!

  9. Oh my goodness, this is so adorable!! I'm super impressed with your quilting abilities.

  10. Looks fantastic! I love it how you included selvages.


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