Sunday, January 3, 2010

More Sneaks and a Resolution

Hi again! Happy new year! A few more wonky square sneaks for you of my commission quilt. Which one do you like the best?

I like to be very traditional around Christmas and New Years, so I will make the same resolution I've made every year since highschool. I'm sure you all know the mantra - eat better, exercise more, blah blah blah. Same story every year! Hasn't happened yet (and i'm 38), but ya never know! This could be the year! Hope springs eternal in the human breast, so off I go, into the arms of Jillian Michaels. I'll let you know if i've lost anything on February 1st.


  1. These are all very cute! I like the second picture and the fourth picture the best though. Can't go wrong with any of them...

  2. Love the squares. All of them.
    Good luck on the resolution!

  3. Those happy little deer are ssoooo cute! I like pic #3-7 the best.

    I too am working on slimming for the New Year. My deal with myself is I'm not allowed to knit until I've exercised for the day. It's only day 1, but, so far so good. :D

  4. Love the good afternoon block. And the toadstools/deer block. This is going to look so great!

    Good luck with Jillian.

  5. That's funny mathcutie, on days I don't work I'm not allowed to shower until I work out! So I have to do it early in the day :)

  6. A girl at work did that program. It was hard (especially for a young, party girl) but she did really firm up and lose some weight.

  7. Happy New Year! Looks like your commissioned quilt is going to be another winner! I've got 10 years on you and it hasn't happened to me yet! ha ha But I don't even worry about it anymore. We are who we are.


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