My husband did it! He passed his exam and is now a Master Plumber. Yay! There are levels of plumbers, starting with Apprentice, going to Journeyman, and finally Master. You have to have ten years as a Journeyman before you can even take the test! He was very stressed out the last few months preparing for this, studying hundreds of pages of code and math problems - it's WAY harder than one may think. I'm very proud. And so very glad I don't have to help him study at the kitchen table anymore instead of quilting! Yay me! Yay quilting! Oh, whoops, I mean, yay him!
I picked up his cake at Sam's Club on the way home after finding out so it wasn't very good - I think i'm spoiled to scratch now. It said "Master of the (Plumbing) Universe!" but he cut it before I could take a photo. Men! In the picture he's holding his test results and our first grandbaby, Tim's son Axel. Yes, he was named in honor of Axel from my sad baby story.
I was wondering, what color do you think Gigi's eyes are? Double click to enlarge. I really can't tell. Hazel is green with brown, but hers are more like dark blue or grey with brown. Hard to say! I'm brown and DH is blue. Thoughts?